A faux Rook piercing is $85.00 at Egbu egbugbu nkwụ nkwụ in Atlanta. ọla is included with the service. Call 404-973-7828.

Ịkpọpu rook faux bụ ịkpọpu anụ ahụ na-eme ka ọ dị ka mkpọpu rook. Ọ na-enwe mpupu abụọ kama ịbụ otu. Onye ọkpọ ahụ ga-amapu cartilage n'elu na n'okpuru mkpọ rook. A na-eji mgbịrịgba kwụ ọtọ na-adụpu ya, kama ịbụ mgbịrịgba a na-akpụ akpụ a na-eji dụpuo rook.
A faux rook piercing is a body piercing that simulates the look of a rook piercing. It consists of two piercings instead of one. The ube agha will pierce the cartilage above and below the rook ridge. The piercing is done with a straight mgbịrịgba, kama mgbịrịgba a na-agbagọ agbagọ nke a na-eji dụpuo rook.